Employer Sponsored Visa

Introduction to Temporary Skill Shortage visa (subclass 482)

Given the limited quota for skilled migration in the current fiscal year, substantial attention has been directed towards the Employer-Sponsored visa. Opinions on this visa vary. Many individuals have successfully attained Permanent Residency (PR) through it, particularly during the pandemic-induced suspension of skilled migration. However, some have encountered challenges with this visa. So, is this visa considered favorable?


The Employer-Sponsored visa is characterized by distinct advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages: It boasts a low English language requirement, does not necessitate a point-test as skilled visas, and eliminates the need to await an invitation. If eligibility criteria are met, the visa can be directly submitted.

Disadvantages: Varied, depending on individual circumstances. The primary non-personal drawback lies in the relatively intricate visa application process. This is not a visa that individuals can independently submit; rather, it heavily relies on the employer providing sponsorship. Furthermore, after obtaining a Subclass 482 or 494 visa, changing employers is not a straightforward process.


So, is it worthwhile to apply for Temporary Skill Shortage visa (subclass 482)?

During challenging times for skilled migration, if you meet the requirements for Employer-Sponsored visa, it is indeed worth considering. This visa can directly address your immediate visa concerns and serves as a viable immigration pathway. Importantly, it does not hinder your ongoing preparation for skilled migration.

What are the requirements for applying for 482 visa?

Subclass 482 is a temporary visa with a duration of 1-4 years, depending on specific circumstances. For details, please consult a registered migration agent.

Application Process:

Sponsorship Application

Nomination Application

Visa Application

These three applications can be submitted concurrently. There is no need to wait for the outcome of one application before submitting the next one.


Visa Requirements:

Company Requirements: Except for specific occupations (such as accountants, marketing specialists), there are no specific requirements for the company.


Nomination Requirements:

The nominated position must be genuine, and the annual salary should be at least AUD 70,000.

Applicant Requirements:

The occupation must be on the Subclass 482 list, and the applicant must meet the skill requirements for that occupation.

Two years of full-time, nominated occupation-related work experience.

English proficiency at a score of IELTS at least 5 in each component (for long-term skilled occupation) or an overall score of 5 with no less than 4.5 in each component (for short-term skilled occupation).

Some occupations require a skills assessment (e.g., cook, chef).



Common Questions About Subclass 482 Visa:

1. What kind of employer can meet the requirements?

There are no specific requirements for employers except for certain occupations. However, companies with better financial conditions, longer establishment history, a higher number of local employees, and genuine job positions may have a higher success rate for the nomination application.

2. What kind of two years of work experience can meet the requirements?

Applicants need two years of full-time work experience related to the nominated occupation after obtaining the relevant qualification. For example, an IT graduate with two years of full-time work experience as a software engineer after graduation, currently offered a position by an employer willing to provide sponsorship, would meet the requirements. If the applicant's qualification is not in the IT field, five years of post-graduation work experience is required to meet the criteria.

3. Does 482 visa require a skills assessment?

Most occupations do not require a skills assessment. However, some occupations with certain countries, such as chefs for Chinese passport holders, do require a skills assessment.

4. How to use 482 visa to obtain Permanent Residency (PR)?

As of November 2023, after holding a Subclass 482 visa and working for the employer for two years, applicants can apply for a Transition (TRT) Permanent Residency (186) visa.

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