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Australia: Migration Program Planning Levels Announced for 2022-2023

At a Glance

The Australian government announced the planning levels for its 2022-2023 Migration Program, which will consist of 160,000 places, with two-thirds allocated to the Skills Stream and one-third allocated to the Family Stream.

The Migration Program was designed to ease critical workforce shortages by supporting Australias economic recovery from COVID-19 and to reunite Australians with their family members.

As a result, foreign nationals will find they have additional opportunities to enter the country for work, residency and a pathway to citizenship.


The situation

The Australian Government released the planning levels for its 2022-2023 Migration Program, which will consist of 160,000 places.


Skills Visa Stream

Skills Visa Stream. The Skills Visa stream is intended to improve the economy and fill labor shortages; it consists of allocations for employer-sponsored, skilled-independent, regional, state/territory nominated, business innovation and investment, global talent (independent) and distinguished talent.

Allocation. The Australian government has allocated 109,900 places to the Skills Stream, up from approximately 30,000 places in 2021-2022.

Increased places. This year, regional visa places have more than doubled from 2021-22 levels to incentivize foreign nationals to settle outside major capitals in Australia. Additionally, state and territory nominated categories have been increased significantly to allow jurisdictions the flexibility to respond to their unique labor needs.

Emphasis on skilled independent visas. There is a renewed emphasis on skilled independent visas, due to the post-pandemic skills shortage in Australia. These visas allow foreign nationals to obtain permanent residence without employer sponsorship if they meet a points requirement (allocated based on age, English language skills, education, and employment history, among others) and receive an invitation from the government to submit the visa application.

Family Visa Stream

Family Visa Stream. The Family Visa Stream allows for family reunification and provides these family members with pathways to citizenship. Allocations are granted for partners, parents, children and other family members.

Allocation. The Australian government has allocated 50,000 places to the Family Stream as a reflection of its commitment to family reunification.

Demand-driven partner visas. Partner visas will now be granted on a demand-driven basis and will operate similarly to the child visa category, which is not subject to a ceiling. This will allow Australia to grow its population and enhance social cohesion outcomes.


Foreign nationals will find they have additional opportunities to enter the country for work, residency and a pathway to citizenship.



Migration Program. The size and makeup of the Migration Program is set each year alongside the governments budget process after consultation with state and territory governments and representatives of various industries.

Skills shortage. In order to address the post-pandemic skills shortage in Australia, the government has increased the number of places in the Skills Stream in order to support local businesses. The government also introduced rules in November 2021 that provided new permanent residence pathways and extended visa validities to help address skills shortages.

Looking ahead

The Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migration Services and Multicultural Affairs will retain the authority to recalibrate the composition of the Skill stream to respond to changing economic conditions in 2022-2023.


This alert is for informational purposes only. If you have any questions, please contact the global immigration professional with whom you work at Fragomen or send an email to

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