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NSW Nationals MP Wes Fang booted from hearing after clashing with Deputy Liberal Leader Natalie Ward

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NSW Nationals MP Wes Fang's bickering with Deputy Liberal Leader Natalie Ward prompted his removal from a parliamentary hearing.

During the exchange, Mr Fang took a swipe at Opposition Leader Mark Speakman over the Liberal Party's nominations bungle.

It's not the first time Mr Fang has made comments about Mr Speakman, in June he accused the party of "pretending" to care about regional NSW.

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NSW Nationals MP Wes Fang has been booted from a parliamentary hearing after repeatedly talking over Deputy Liberal Leader Natalie Ward.

It began with an argument between the Coalition colleagues on Friday afternoon over who was going to question Arts Minister John Graham at budget estimates.

"No, no, it's not your turn yet," Ms Ward said.

"It's been negotiated … by the leadership," Mr Fang replied.

The chair, Greens MP Cate Faehrmann, heard a point of order raised by Mr Fang, who was sitting in for Nationals MP Sam Farraway.

"The opposition has allocated time. My understanding is the leadership between the Nationals have an agreed time," Mr Fang said.

"Oh please, that is not agreed and you know it," Ms Ward said.

Labor's Cameron Murphy could be seen chuckling across the room.

Fang makes snipe about by-elections

Ms Faehrmann dismissed the point of order and Ms Ward persisted with her questioning.

But minutes later, the bickering resumed.

"The leadership have sent you a message and you need to acknowledge it," Mr Fang said.

Mr Graham, who had managed to keep a straight face, was interrupted again, as Mr Fang made a snipe about the Liberal Party's by-election battles.

"They're only interested because they're trying to win a by-election, but it ain't going to help them," he said.

"They think this is going to help [Opposition Leader] Speakman, but nothing's going to save Speakman."

'Behaviour has been untenable'

The chair called Mr Fang to order a third time, before asking the minister and officials to leave so the committee could meet in private.

"Your behaviour has been untenable frankly," Ms Faehrmann said to Mr Fang.

When the meeting resumed, Mr Fang's chair was empty.

"The committee has resolved to remove the honourable Wes Fang until 2pm today," Ms Faehrmann said.

Mr Fang has made no secret of his dislike for Opposition Leader Mark Speakman.

In June, the upper house MP took to Facebook to accuse the Liberal leader of "slink[ing]" into Wagga Wagga and "pretending" the party cared about the region.

The post prompted Mr Speakman to demote Mr Fang from the shadow ministry.

But the move was resisted by Nationals Leader Dugald Saunders, who said "[Mr Wang] was unable to be stood down in this way".

The dispute led to crisis talks about the future of the Coalition partnership.

A few days later, the parties struck a deal to stay together, with the Nationals agreeing to accept the opposition leader's decision.

The Liberal and Nationals parties have been contacted for comment.


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