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Joy Xu
Newpoint Changsha Study Abroad Department
Senior Study Abroad Consultant

Joy is a senior study abroad expert with a wealth of experience, having transitioned from a document manager to a study abroad consultant over her 6-year career. She has accumulated extensive experience in document writing and is well-versed in the various stages of study abroad applications for countries such as the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. In addition to handling standard undergraduate and postgraduate applications, Joy excels in assisting international curriculum students with undergraduate applications, medical immigration program applications, applications for mature students seeking to change their fields of study, and visa processing, among others.


With her rich industry experience and strong professional knowledge, Joy has successfully helped thousands of students obtain their desired offers. She is dedicated to guiding students through the study abroad process and ensuring they have the best chances of success in their applications.

    • M:15802500997

    • W:15802500997

    • E:joy.x_newpoint@hotmail.com

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